KONE Automatic sliding doors

Sliding doors

A KONE sliding door system is built for heavy use. Our automatic sliding doors are suitable for a wide range of building types – we can create a sliding doors plan for offices, residential buildings, retail environments and transit centers. KONE electric sliding doors can be also customized and enhanced with a variety of security and safety options.


  • Segment: residential buildings, offices, medical facilities, retail and transit centres, hotels
  • Height: max. 3000 mm
  • Width: max. 7000 mm
  • Operation: manual or automatic
  • Operator: KONE UniDrive®, KONE UnidriveL® or KONE UnidrivP® 

Features and options

  • Three profile systems – standard, slim aluminium and full-glass
  • Single and double sliding, telescopic and curved as well as hermetically sealed
  • Available with three or six leaves
  • Wide variety of safety options, including manual switches, motion sensors, and access control integration
  • Escape route, fire safe, burglar resistant, radiation protection, noise insulating, and energy saving options

Tools and downloads

KONE electric sliding doors

Our sliding doors are flexible, easy to install, and comply with the latest safety standards. We offer a double sliding door that is suitable for a wide variety of building types and can be adjusted for the demands of many environments.

Doors toolbox

Our easy-to-use online tool for specifying your building door solutions, generating CAD drawings, downloading specifications, and requesting a quotation.

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